Long-term customer relations
Since its inception, the Surety Department has had several industry
firsts regarding technology, but SGI CANADA Surety director Jim
Olson says the company is proudest of its long-term relationship
with contractors.
“We have some contracts that we have serviced for more
than 40 years,” he said. “We are incredibly proud to know that
we have supported multiple generations of family-owned
construction companies.”
The department underwrites the majority of bonds from its head
office location in Regina. The division employs three analysts including
Brianna Hodges as the manager and Olson as the director
in Regina, and two other analysts work in the Saskatoon office. The
department is currently conducting a search for its first-ever out-ofprovince
analyst. The location will be dependent on where the right
person can be found.
The company provides a full line of surety products including all
bond types, contract bonds, commercial bonds and fidelity bonds.
The bonds are distributed exclusively through SGI CANADA’s broker
partners in all provinces.
“We take a personalized approach to understanding our client’s
business operations and then tailoring our services to their
specific needs,” said Hodges. “This sets us apart from our competitors
and benefits the members of the Saskatchewan Heavy
Construction Association.”
Olson adds that SGI CANADA Surety operates within a $1 billion
insurance company, and it has been very fortunate to have access
to a large pool of qualified staff. The surety team has many years of
industry experience and the senior underwriter in Saskatoon, Dan
Park, is the only surety specialist in northern Saskatchewan and is
one of the best working in the industry today.
Surety is a commodity product
“Our staff understands that surety is a commodity product and, as
such, we must provide expertise and high-end service to our clients
and broker partners in each and every transaction. We live and
breathe customer service,” said Olson.
He adds that the department’s surety bond analysts prepare all
bonds in-house and send them electronically to brokers. This means
that the department is able to provide exceptional turnaround
times and responsive customer service. Customers are provided a
five-day turnaround for most new contract bond applications and
same-day turnaround for most commercial bonds.
Other benefits the department offers includes an industry-low
service fee for contract bonds at $1,500, and the department will
waive the service fee if the client has paid a premium of $10,000 or
more in the previous year. The Surety Department receives assistance
from an in-house legal team and claims department.
“We have an adaptable approach – we’re willing and able to review
new products to suit the needs of customers. Even if you’re not
currently eligible for bonding, we’re happy to provide coaching and
advice to help you qualify in the future,” said Olson.
He added that the SGI CANADA Surety Department is seeking
greater geographical diversification and service offerings and has
been focusing on extending its presence outside of the province.
“We would like to thank the construction community and our
local brokers for 70 years of excellent relations. We are proud to
continue to support the construction community both directly by
our bond issuance, but also indirectly through the Government of
Saskatchewan spending on capital improvements. SGI CANADA
pays dividends to the Government of Saskatchewan, which then reinvests
in the provincial infrastructure, which in turn, creates more
opportunity for Saskatchewan-based contractors,” said Olson.
“We take a personalized approach to
understanding our client’s business
operations and then tailoring our services
to their specific needs. This sets us
apart from our competitors and benefits
the members of the Saskatchewan
Heavy Construction Association.”
– Brianna Hodges
“We have some contracts
that we have serviced for
more than 40 years. We are
incredibly proud to know that
we have supported multiple
generations of family-owned
construction companies.”
– Jim Olson
PHOTOS COURTESY OF SGI CANADA SURETY 38 Think BIG | Quarter 3 2019 | saskheavy.ca