Getting Answers
from the City
of Regina
It’s time the taxpayers in Regina learn the truth.
Our questions to the City of Regina with regards to how they conduct their
road repair and infrastructure have gone unanswered for years. That is going to
change this year. We will get answers. Our members and the taxpayers of Regina deserve
We are taking steps and crafting a strategy on how to best approach these outstanding
issues with the city.
Answers to questions like: Why would the city not look at the best value procurement
model and pre-qualify contractors to do their work, granting them assurances of cost,
experience and capacity?
Has the city done any cost benefit analysis/risk to the taxpayer before they moved
down this road?
Has the city, in their efforts to expand, conducted research on how the expansion will
impact their existing suppliers in the market? And, how is the city accounting for the
cost of their expansion of staff, equipment and material production?
Our industry manages its operations to capacity, but the city is suggesting that they
have room and have expanded their operations. So, what is the difference in the cost of
expansion between private contractors and city operations?
When the city supplies and works on its own projects, what assurance or protection
from added cost is there to the taxpayer if the city doesn’t meet their projected project
completion date? Or if there’s a need to go back and make repairs?
Our industry is experiencing a lull. Our members are struggling. Long-tenured, experienced
staff are being laid off. Meanwhile, the city is playing hide-and-seek with its
costs on road infrastructure. This needs to change.
Interesting to note, the City of Saskatoon tenders out 100 per cent of its new builds
while still doing some emergency and maintenance work.
The City of Regina’s insistence on self-performing is nothing more than a growing expense
item within their budget.
We understand frustrations from our members are growing. But rest assured, we
are making a serious push against how the city is going about its business. Eliminating
these issues will not be an overnight process; however, we’re hopeful that we can reach
an agreement that is beneficial to all parties involved, especially for our members and
the taxpayers.
The official magazine and voice
of the Saskatchewan Heavy
Construction Association
Vol. 9, No. 3
Published for
1939 Elphinstone St.
Regina, SK S4T 3N3
Phone: 306-586-1805
Fax: 306-585-3750
Chairman, Allan Barilla
Morsky Construction Ltd.
1st Vice Chairman, Kevin Arneson
Allan Construction
2nd Vice Chairman, Trevor Nabe
AECON Transportation West Inc.
Past Chairman, Carmen Duncan
C. Duncan Construction Ltd.
President, Shantel Lipp
Sean Wilson
G.W. Construction Ltd.
David Paslawski
ASL Paving Ltd.
Michael Cardinal
Consolidated Construction Co.
Devin Rushton
Inland Aggregates, a Division of
LeHigh Hanson Materials Limited
Jonas Short
BLS Asphalt Inc
Harley Diederichs
Potzus Paving & Road
Maintenance Ltd.
Josh Safronetz
H.J.R. Asphalt Ltd.
Mary Panteluk
Kelly Panteluk Construction Ltd.
Finance Officer, Ellie Weare
Administrative Assistant,
Tracey Koch
Published by
President, Jeff Lester
Publisher, Jill Harris
Sales & Art Director,
Myles O’Reilly
Editors, Andrew Harris,
Lindsay Risto
Senior Account Executives,
Walter Lytwyn, Louise
Peterson, Darryl Sawchuk
Account Executive,
Allan Merluza
Senior Graphic Designer,
John Lyttle
Advertising Coordinator,
Leticia Abas
Graphic & Online Media
Designer, Mark Aquino
Maryanne Li
701 Henry Ave.
Winnipeg, MB R3E 1T9
Phone: 204-953-2189
Fax: 204-953-2184
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of this publication may not be
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whole or in part, without the
prior written consent of SHCA.
Direct requests for reprint
permission should be made to the
president of the Saskatchewan
Heavy Construction Association.
Statements of fact and opinion
are the responsibility of the
authors alone and do not
imply an opinion on the part
of the officers or members
of the Saskatchewan Heavy
Construction Association or
Lester Communications Inc.
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See “Cost, Quality and Accountability,” starting on page 5. | Quarter 3 2019 | Think BIG 3