Ritchie Bros. partners with
SUMA to provide auction
services for 400-plus Sask.
With a long history in Western Canada,
Ritchie Bros. and its GovPlanet solution
has been selected by the Saskatchewan
Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA)
as a preferred provider for its 400-plus
members. SUMA members will now have
easy access to Ritchie Bros.’ onsite and online
auctions, as well as its do-it-yourself
GovPlanet Direct marketplace.
“Our GovPlanet marketplace and team
is dedicated to helping address the specialized
disposition needs of public entities,
including provincial/state, local and
municipal,” said Doug Feick, senior vice
president of new business and corporate
development with Ritchie Bros. “We are
very excited to partner with SUMA to help
drive asset disposition efficiencies and increase
the returns for its 400 plus members.”
Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities
Association serves as “the voice of
Saskatchewan’s hometowns,” providing advocacy
services, a group purchasing and
group benefits program and more.
“I am extremely pleased to announce
Ritchie Bros. as a new partner with
SUMAdvantage,” said Lisa Rawlings, marketing
co-ordinator. “Since joining SUMA,
I have been impressed with their presence
in Saskatchewan and their determination
to work with us. Our members have
voiced a need for auction services and I
am confident this partnership will help
our hometowns.”
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