Managing the Many
Faces of Cyber-Attacks
Lessons for the construction industry
By David Krebs and Troy Baril, Miller Thomson
Imagine your company is part of a large infrastructure project
with a host of suppliers, customers, as well as government
participation and considerable public media attention. Now
imagine that one morning you were told by one of your staff that the
project has come to a complete halt because all your electronic files
of blueprints and plans/schedules/cost reports for that project have
disappeared and may perhaps be gone for good.
You don’t know how it happened or who is responsible. How do
you react? What do you do first?
This may sound like the beginning of a plot for a Hollywood thriller,
but it is a situation companies face while under a cyber-attack.
A common misperception is that cyber security risks are only relevant
for those organizations that hold vast amounts of personal or
sensitive personal information, that cyber risk is synonymous with
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